Welcome - follow my journey.

Welcome - follow my journey.
Photo by Johannes Plenio

Hello, my name's Albert and I'm 27 years old. I'm a hopeful, yet determined entrepreneur based out of California. I say hopeful because I'm not sure where I stand yet as an entrepreneur since I haven't had an idea click yet, but maybe this blog will be part of the reason why that changes. I've been working on several ideas, struggling, failing and going through all the typical ups and downs that a aspiring entrepreneur goes through. Honestly, I'm very sick of where I'm at financially, and I know patience is a virtue, but I need to take action.

I've decided I'm going to use this platform as a public journal for everything that I do in terms of the businesses I'm pursuing, ideas, growth and so forth. Additionally, I want to use this as an accountability platform for me. I've tried sticky notes, Notion (a great product) and the good ol' pencil-paper, but nothing has kept me on track so far - so now I'm trying public accountability in the form of blogging. Out of all the things I've done, the biggest mistake I've made is not taking risks.

But, the greatest thing I've also done is taking risks.

On top of that, I wish to inspire at least one person that comes across this blog. May they learn from my failures and successes so that they can get out of the never-ending hole that I'm also stuck in as I type this first post. The greatest teacher is failure and that's why I hope my failures will be an effective turning point for you. The greatest way to learn from failure though is to experience it first hand. I'll talk about that more in the future.


For as long as I can remember, I had always wanted to be a doctor. That eventually bloomed into a specialization in Neurology. So, my entire academic career path was organized for just that. I was the 4.0+ GPA kid in high school and went to one of the best public universities in the nation.

After losing family, going through medical issues and just generally drifting away from academic interests, my views on my career started to change in my senior year at my university.

I started exploring business and thinking about them. I moved from a medical mindset towards businesses - a paradigm shift that I enjoyed. Eventually I got involved in multiple tech startups in the collectable reselling space - think trading cards and sneakers - and landed remote positions with them around 2019. Pretty cool to get into this before it became popular during the pandemic, and even cooler because I was making some change while in school.

Fast forward a bit and as I'm continuing to then work 3 simultaneous jobs at startups, I was fortunate enough to land a position at another technology startup in the same industry by utilizing the reputation and connections I had built. A story for another time.

Since 2019 though, I've attempted to launch some of my own business, but I'd call them "micro" businesses since they really didn't amount to much. I haven't had one click, but I've learned from them and I'm excited to share each failure with you.

One Last Thing

I talked about risks earlier. I want you to think of it as action. Taking action means doing something. Do you know how all businesses get started? By taking a risk and starting them. Many famous celebrities and business owners had to go through several failures before landing on one idea that hit. You won't hit that special one unless you keep trying.

If you just watch influencers, YouTube videos and motivational speakers for inspiration, you are not going to win. I'll admit I'm guilty of this too, but the greatest things that are waiting for all of us lie beyond the door of action. It doesn't matter how big your idea is. As long as it's feasible and within your means, try it today - just take even a small step towards it. This blog is a new way I'm personally taking action.

If you somehow landed on this blog and you're just starting your journey, I highly recommend reading Noah Kagan's book - Million Dollar Weekend. A great book for beginners that can help you get in the right frame of mind to become successful. Noah emphasizes the action aspect a lot and I agree with him. Don't worry about having a finished product before you begin. Just start with the minimum barebones, and add to it along the way.

Thanks for reading. I truly appreciate your time and I hope I was able to help you in some way. I plan on doing a few posts a week during my journey and I'd love to have you join me. Please consider subscribing below to stay updated!

I promise I'll respond to all your messages and questions. I'm here to help.

Stay blessed,
